
Awhile back I got a call from Leslie asking whether I'd be interested in shooting for a couple days at Juut Salon - the assignment would cover the stylists' work, so hair, makeup, waxing, nails, etc. I don't think I've said (or maybe I screamed?) "YES!!!!!" to anything so quickly in my life. It was such an amazing couple of days! The stylists were incredible (just look at the hair/makeup/brows below), the models were stunning (again, just scroll through the pics), and we got to work all day in a place that smelled of Aveda products, so basically heaven. 

The images below are outtakes from the day. Be sure to follow Juut and the training school, Intoto, on instagram to see our final images pop up from time to time!

Oh! And check out a batch of Leslie's photos over on her blog!

Click on images to enlarge: