Duluth, MN

A couple of weekends ago we headed up to Duluth on a last minute, extremely mini-vacation and ended up packing a ton into our 36 hour trip. Jay and I have been dreaming of buying a vacation home in Duluth, or a cabin nearby, and wanted to spend a bit of time scoping out the city. So, arriving early evening on Friday, we drove around town a bit exploring neighborhoods (I picked out about a dozen dream mansions that I'd be more than happy living in), then headed up the hill to climb Enger Tower - it was a bit terrifying climbing up the 5-stories of stairs that were packed with ice, but the view from the top was spectacular. Then we headed to the Bent Paddle tap room for happy hour - a must stop each Duluth visit.  We ended the night at Red Herring Lounge, a fairly new art and music venue that would definitely be my go-to spot in the city. 

On Saturday, the weather was perfect (nearly 60 degrees in FEBRUARY), and we spent the day hiking around Gooseberry Falls and Tettegouche. Our drive up Hwy 61 was of course accompanied by some Bob Dylan tunes - check out one of my fav songs and a few photos from the weekend below (click on images to enlarge).

Lucy Hawthorne