Winter Wonderland

A selection of photos from a few days up north <3 These are very different than the images I had planned on taking last week. We were supposed to be heading to Florida to spend time in Everglades and Dry Tortugas National Parks. But, I got sick. So, we cancelled that trip, I rested for a couple of days, and then we packed our bags and headed up to Lutsen. It may have been a full 100 degrees colder in northern Minnesota than it was on the southern tip of Florida, but, there were some pretty moments none-the-less.

It was also the first vacation with Koda, the new husky in the family! Honestly, it was also a bit of a relief to not have to leave him. He has only been with us for about three weeks, so boarding him so soon after adoption may have really upset him. He traveled well in the car, did well in the cabin, and adored hiking through the snow. A perfect addition to the crew.

Lucy Hawthorne