Kurt Vile & Waxahatchee

Last Wednesday Kurt Vile was in town, playing at Mill City Nights in Minneapolis. I was super excited to see him and even more thrilled that Waxahatchee was an opener. I also had a photo pass for the show, which was great. 

I went for a dark, calm, kinda moody feel for this shoot. I even captured a bit of Kurt Vile's face, rather than just his awesome mane of curly hair swinging everywhere, so that's a success. I decided to turn all the photos B&W because, frankly, I am not a fan of concert lighting. *Sometimes* I think the colorful strobes are neat, but generally I am more interested in the artist's face and personality, and B&W cuts away some of the distraction. When it's up to me, I'll usually choose black and white. 

When I am photographing shows, I am probably paying 95% attention to taking photos and 5% to the band, so unfortunately I don't have much of a detailed review of the show beyond it was really enjoyable (listening to tunes, hanging out with friends, taking photos -- a pretty perfect night). And go see Kurt Vile if you get the chance -- he is super talented, the most chill and seems like a guy I'd want to hang out with forever. 

Here is one of my favorite songs of his: Take a listen and take a look at the photos!

Lucy Hawthorne