Spruce & Fir Recipes
Have you ever wanted to bottle the essence of the northwoods and take it with you? That rich, deep, mesmerizing smell that is delicious enough to drink? Well, here's how to do just that: harvest some spruce and fir tips in spring, and turn them into syrup, jelly and pickles that will last through the year!
These items make the perfect northwoods-y happy hour spread - the resulting flavors are both light and surprisingly citrusy, but also complex and earthy. It was wonderful to be up North at the perfect time to harvest the new growth tips of the spruce and fir trees at our cabin! Following conservation rules, we took less than 10% of the new growth from the bottom of trees, and followed the recipes below - these are also great resources for what to look for in terms of time to harvest the plants, but, as always with foraging, be 100% sure you know what you are picking before consuming:
Simple Syrup (perfect for cocktails)
Spruce Tip Jelly (spread on crackers, pair with goat cheese)
Spruce Pickles (sprinkle over eggs, fish, or just nibble on)
My mom busy harvesting
Sorting and cleaning
Cooking the simple syrup
Preparing to pickle
Canned Jelly