Roberts Bird Sanctuary

Today I got a text from my good pal Leslie asking if I wanted to go walk through the woods during today's mini snow storm and look for deer and other wildlife. Um, YES! I don't think I ever say no to the chance to go hang out in the woods and take pictures - it may just be my favorite thing to do.

I made the quick trip over to Roberts Bird Sanctuary (a wildlife sanctuary by Lake Harriet - right in the middle of Minneapolis) where we have both seen deer before. Sadly, they must have been feeling shy today, or were huddled up somewhere away from the snow and wind -- whatever the reason we didn't see a single one. 

There was, however, lovely scenery and a few birds (Mallards, a Northern Flicker, a Hairy Woodpecker and a little Nuthatch) to take pictures of. I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for frozen looking ducks -- this is probably not their favorite time of year.  

Check out the photos below (click to enlarge):